enjoying the resurgence of the crafting industry

Enjoying the Resurgence in the Crafting Industry - Leslie A. Grossman - Pulse - LinkedIn.clipular.png

You may have noticed there has been a major resurgence in the crafting industry. Consumers have a desire to buy unique, hand-made products that are not mass produced. We all want to own something special that feels exclusive.

Look at websites like Etsy.com, for example. It was the first platform focused on giving “local artists” who are passionate about what they’re making an internet marketplace, to reach anyone anywhere. Progress! This handmade comeback is a wonderful return to all things homemade. People are replacing production line goods with items made with heart and soul.

The Art of Making Something Out of Nothing.

I find it incredibly satisfying as a creative person to experience the joy of making something valuable out of nothing. Taking a few scraps of cloth and weaving them into beautiful, original products is magical.

Last year, I made a point that I would get all my gifts through websites like Etsy or Amazon Handmade, green markets, or small businesses. I wanted my friends and family members to feel that the gifts I chose for them were as truly unique as they are. I also enjoy making a positive contribution to someone else’s passion for crafting.

Don’t get me wrong – I love commercial retail. I understand fully the benefit we - as a society - enjoy, thanks to the mass production of goods! And now that we have everything we need, we are rediscovering the artistic process and the deep connectedness humans feel when they share in the creation of these goods.

People love being able to give original gifts. They love looking at a quilt, or a Journal Mate, or a piece of painted pottery and thinking, “This is totally unique. I picked it. It was made for me.” 

Creativity is our essence, and now we’re embracing it wholeheartedly as a community.

Visit me @www.stitchesbyleslie.com to find out more, AND follow me on my journey through Instagram @StitchesByLeslie