Day 17 - Exercise Log

Day 17 - exercise (1).jpg

Alright folks, it is the 17th day of the year, and it is time to get serious about those fitness goals. I found that creating an exercise log helps me analyze my schedule and actually plan exercise. I use it as a place to log what the exercise is (Yoga, leg day, etc.) with the reps and such, AND what I actually accomplished so that I can measure my current performance and looks for areas to improve and/or increase.

I am a runner. I love/hate running. I have a running log that captures the data points that I need so I can improve.

I made a plan this year to vary my exercise because running alone isn’t the answer. I leverage my weekly layout to track the other types of exercise that I need for a good balance. Here is what that looks like:


As you can see, there is space each day for the activity, also a habit tracker for both exercise and water consumption.

Here are a few examples of other logs I found on the web. Hopefully, you find one that inspires you.

Leslie Grossman